Global STEAM Fair全球科技大赛
全球科技大赛由加拿大数学与科学学会、北美创客教育联盟和加拿大青少年机器人俱乐部联合创办。其宗旨是把 STEM 的概念贯穿到生活、科技和未来中。大赛主体由工程挑战赛和科技创意赛构成,兼具趣味性和高强度的挑战性。大赛得到微软公司的鼎立支持,自2017年至今已成功举办过...
Sager Education organizes students to participate in a variety of international STEAM competitions covering mathematics, programming, robotics, and STEAM Fair, providing students with an excellent opportunity to broaden their horizons, exercise their abilities and meet friends. At the same time, the high-level competitions also enriched the student resumes, helping to apply for the prestigious schools in North America!